Dani & Deboh | The Tipis Wedding | Venue Finca Don Leandro, Tenerife

Dani & Deboh | The Tipis Wedding | Venue Finca Don Leandro, Tenerife

Dani & Debo’s wedding will always be one of those weddings that we will carry in our hearts forever.

We always say that all our weddings are special but we would be lying if we did not say that there are some that are a little more special for small reasons, simple subtleties or simply for deeper feelings.

Dani and Debo are compis of the sector. She is a wedding photographer, better known in the industry as Deborah Torres and he, a talented videographer from our islands, Mr. D. Daniel Bencomo.

A year before or so, they told us that they were getting married and that they wanted us to help them with the preparations for the big day!

When they told us, what came to mind was … what a great illusion … but … what a challenge!

Challenge because at that wedding many colleagues and friends from the wedding sector would probably congregate, people we admire and love, also because it would have to be a 100% different wedding and maximum illusion because without a doubt it was an honor that they had chosen us to be your wedding planners and your wedding designers.

Thus, the season passed, and we began to give turns and shapes to what would be her wedding.

We remember perfectly the day when they sent us a video and said, what do you think of this place? It has accommodation for guests, it is not very well known and it is in the middle of nowhere. Look how nice, the dream of any wedding planner! :-).

At the Don Leandro Venue, the place chosen for the wedding, there were two options, the easy one and the difficult one … which one did we choose? The difficult one of course, the one that allowed us to dream that we were in Canada.

An open space only surrounded by vegetation, mountains and Canary Island pine of the most intense green color that anyone can imagine. A virgin, vast place at our disposal, a blank canvas that we dream of over and over again.

The boys made it very easy for us, they only asked us for two things:

“Dani: I want a teepee, but a big teepee … and

Deboh: I want it to be natural and from the countryside but I don’t want to know anything until the big day …. It still makes us laugh … that is the dream of every wedding designer! Of course she learned something. 🙂 ”

And so the day approached. The chosen date was Tuesday 14th August. An ode to the superstitious and a break with the most staunch traditions.

Full of nerves, the weather that seemed not to accompany, wind, small drizzles, prayers, almost magical dances that implored the good weather, last minute tents that in the end instead of the rain protected us from a righteous sun and many, many but many desire to party, to enjoy and have a good time.

It is still difficult to describe what we experienced that day. We know it may sound quite typical but it was something very special. Pure emotion, vibrant and positive energy, a big smile. And we suppose that these are the emotions you feel when a friend marries, when someone you love marries and when they also do it “with you.”

We could be writing for hours, tell you all the preparations, the whole story, but surely we bore you a lot.

Just tell you that it was a wedding in reverse; a wedding of those that we have been trying for years and there was no way; A wedding where the groom received the guests, where everything began with the wedding dance, where afterwards there was a little party, food and drink, where after talking, dancing, eating and drinking, and taking away that first stress, they gave the I do want to in a beautiful ceremony, where afterwards we continue eating and drinking, where we play, we made some speeches and they delivered the bouquet (since you don’t know to whom ….: -)) and where the normal thing followed, party, party and the best of the parties with La Maldita Dj in command.

A cocktail-style wedding, by the hand of our beloved Lucas Gamonal, in the purest coachella style, in the middle of the mountains of Tenerife.

A song, if you do not know it, you are taking … the soundtrack, we almost almost made it go viral … the most! (If you see a strange choreography in the photos in a group dance plan, click play and imagine it! 😉 (put a more current rhythm and dance)

Thanks of course to Dani & Deboh, forever infinite. To all the collaborators and suppliers who made this great party possible and of course to all of you for reading this far.

Now as a picture is worth a thousand words, we hope you enjoy this beautiful wedding as much as we did. The photos are of the great Juanlu Rojano, and the video of the great guys from Made in Video. They have no waste.

(for the rest of providers, go to the bottom)


Finca Don Leandro, Tenerife

Vestido Novia Marco & Maria

Martina Dorta Diadema

Martina Dorta Marco & María

Daniel Bencomo

Mesas Boho Boda d-bodas

Boda Finca Don Leandro Carpa Tentaccion

Boda Don Leandro

Decoración bodas tenerife d-bodas

Boda Finca Don Leandro, Tenerife

Boda Tenerife, d-bodas wedding planners

Finca Don Leandro, organización boda tenerife

d-bodas, decoración bodas tenerife

Boda Boho Tenerife D-bodas

Decoración bodas Tenerife

Juanlu rojano foto

Boda Finca Don Leandro

Boda d-bodas tenerife wedding natural

Natural Wedding Canary islands, tenerife

Organizador boda tenerife, decorador boda tenerife, wedding planner tenerife, d-bodas wedding planners, d-bodas

Boda en Tenerife, boho wedding tenerife

Different Wedding in Tenerife

Freeheart cooking, tarta de boda tenerife

Boda Finca Don Leandro , D-bodas

Boda Tenerife, Tipi Boda, Tenerife Boda, D-bodas

Boda Tenerife, d-bodas

Boda Tenerife, proevento, Finca Don Leandro

También  lo hicieron posible:

Nazaret de la Finca Don Leandro, todo facilidades, Miguel Barreto, siempre ahí, esos fotones de deco,  Marco y María y su vestido precioso, los tocados de Martina DortaVerbena Madrid, las manos y el arte del gran  Juan Castañeda, la iluminación de los chicos de   Proevento,  la carpa de Tentaccion Canarias, la voz de Della Du, y el ritmo calentito de Quimbao la Nuit, las delicias dulces de De RITA Se Postres Caseros y Freeheart Cooking, Isi Bar Atender y sus ricos cocktails, la foodtruck de  Ingapan, nuestra querida  Madi Ramos como oficiante de ceremonia, el ramo precioso y la deco floral de nuestros queridos Nortyflor y  Alberto Luis Aguirre y Sonia Blanco entre muchos otros. 

Échale un vistazo al vídeo….Mola!

#lasbodasdedbodas #bodasdiferentes #purelove


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